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深圳四维高科技术有限公司 网址:www.jjj-tech.comJJJvac,上海三井真空设备有限公司旗下专注于超高真空领域品牌,专注超高真空30年,其经营范围包括超高真空、高真空领域产品及设备的研究、设计、开发和生产。专为前沿科技研究机构和现代工业提供超高真空技术服务、设备制造、产品OEM及成套解决方案 JJJvac拥有业内先导性的超高真空实验室、专家科研团队和近30年的真空技术研发执行经验,可为产品创新提供强力稳定的技术支持。目前,品牌独立研发有各种溅射离子泵,超高真空系统,超高真空设备等高精尖产品设备,广泛应用于加速器、电子电器、电真空器件、航空航天、新能源、新材料等行业。 在过去实践中,JJJvac先后为北京正负电子对撞机、上海光源、近代物理研究所重离子加速器、中科大合肥光源等多项国家大型科研项目提供技术及产品支持,获得了国家领导人、中科院、清华大学等国家科研院校的高度认可。为顺应新能源、新材料产业的发展,JJJvac建立了产品解决方案中心,致力为中国快速增长的超高真空需求市场提供专业的全套解决方案,我们在质子重离子医疗、X射线医疗、航空电子、高压直流继电器、金属3D打印、特殊新材料等工业化领域的高端应用,提供了系统完整的真空技术解决方案。 为了进一步树立中国超高真空技术在国际的重要地位,JJJvac不断扩大产业规模,先后创立了深圳四维高科技术有限公司和启动生产基地,负责品牌运营和设备生产,进一步推动中国超高真空领域及未来工业化应用市场发展,并服务于全球超高真空市场。 Shanghai Sanjing Vacuum Equipment Co., Ltd (JJJvac) was found in 1994, it’s a high technology researching and manufacturing enterprise of high vacuum & ultrahigh vacuum system and equipment. Shenzhen JJJ vacuum technology Co., ltd is the south marketing center which located in Shenzhen city. JJJvac is the top level complete solution supplier of high vacuum and ultrahigh vacuum, the industry-leading ultrahigh vacuum lab and scientific research team, and more than 30 years vacuum technology experiences offer stable technical support for both innovative research and development, and client customer service. JJJvac is devoted in promoting the development of China vacuum technology, contributing to the project of many national scientific researches. In order to break the barrier from the west, JJJvac independently researches and develops the ultrahigh vacuum equipment, non-standard ultrahigh vacuum system, sputter ion pump, and those are widely used in various area such as scientific research, aerospace and aviation, new energy, new material and medical. JJJvac offers products and technology for BEPCI, SSRF, HIRFL, NSRL and many national scientific research projects. In medical area, JJJvac offers complete vacuum technical solution and manufacturing machine for the researching of proton heavy ion medical and X-ray medical. In new energy area, the vacuum exhausting device developed by JJJvac, has high performance on vacuum inflating-exhausting and leak detecting for the high voltage DC relay, that makes great improvement for China new energy industry. In aerospace and aviation, metal 3D printing, military and other high technology field, vacuum technology is widely using on adding material manufacture, heat treatment, and property improvement process. High vacuum furnaces of JJJvac have excellent perfermance on the surface quality, mechanical property and eletromagnetic property. |