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常州精率佳数控设备有限公司 网址:www.jsjcnc.com常州精率佳数控设备有限公司是专研小刀具高速加工的精雕机生产厂家。公司集研发、生产、销售为一体的生产型企业。本公司拥有行业资深的设计、装配、电气人才,让产品有着行业更高端的品质。公司秉承着创造性价比更高、品质更优良的产品,每款机型的木模都是自己开发,光机严格把关装配。每个环节都公司内部完成,保证了产品品质。自公司成立以来,专注于小刀具加工领域,广泛应用于压铸件精密加工、压铸件去毛刺、电脑外观件高光、电子治具、手板模型、玉器挂件、小型模具、烫金模具、滴塑模具、徽章模具、紫铜电极、散热器、航空接插件、医疗器械、眼镜模具等行业。 公司奉行以质量及服务求生存,以创新求发展,积极提高产品品质,不断创新,竭诚为各行业客户提供高品质的产品和完善的售后服务,打造行业知名企业。 Changzhou equipment co., LTD. Is a precision engraving machine manufacture specialinzing in high-speed machine of small cutters.It is a research and development, production, sales as one of the production-oriented enterprises.The company has industry senior design, assembly, electrical personnel, so that the product has a higher quality of the industry.The company is adhering to the creation of more cost-effective, better quality products, each model of the wood mold is independent development, light machine strictly control the assembly.Each link is completed within the company to ensure product quality.Since the company since its inception, focused on small tool processing, precision machining, is widely used in die casting die casting deburring, computer a specular appearance and electronic fixture, hand-board model, jade pendant, small mould, stamping mould, plastic mould, badge mould, red copper electrode, radiator, air connector mold, medical equipment, glasses and other industries. The company pursues the quality and the service strives for the survival, strives for the development by the innovation, positively improves the product quality, unceasingly innovates, wholeheartedly provides the high quality product and the consummation post-sale service for each profession customer, creates the industry well-known enterprise. |