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大连矢铁铸工有限公司 网址:www.shitiecasting.com大连矢铁铸工有限公司创办于2010年,总投资4000万人民币,占地面积50余亩,职工100余人,年产精密铸造件5000吨以上.公司地理位置优越,位于美丽的海滨城市大连普兰店皮口镇工业区. 我公司是中国铸造协会会员单位,东北规模最大的精密铸造企业之一,主要生产各类普碳钢,台金钢、不锈钢等系列材料的精密铸钢件及成品件,采用先进的水玻璃失蜡铸造工艺,铸件重量范围0.05-150Kg,产品遍布船舶、电力、汽车、农机、航空,铁路、矿山、军工产品、工程机械、石油机械等领域,能够满足客户各方面的特殊技术设计及工艺要求产品远销美国、德国、芬兰、日8本、韩团、马来西亚.印度尼西亚新加坡等国家,深受广大用户的好评和厚爱。 公司具有全自劫六エ位注蛄机生声繊、全自幼制売銭2条,250KG 的中恢炉4套,18 米妖申加熱自劫槙売焙焼炉2台;并挧有完整的化学成分、カ学性能武驗室,包括意大利迸口F20光浩分析佼、WEW- 3DA型微机液圧万能拭驗机、JB - 300型揺垂式低温冲出武金机、HB - 300布氏硬度it、超声波、磁粉无提桧測没畜等。先后通辻了英国芳氏LR1S09001:2008国隊貭量管理体系圦i征,DNV.GL,ABS ,KR , BV等船級社的エ厂以可,以及欧盟圧カ容噐安全生六盗貭PED以征。 Bringing over 10 years of experience, Dalian ShitieCasting Co. Ltd (DSC), delivers the highest-qualitycastings in producing durable castings for Marine, PowerPlant, Automobile, Aviation, Railway, Mining and otherindustrial sectors across the world. DSC is a provider formany of the world's leading manufacturing companies.Our foundry specializes in lost-wax precision castingwith carbon steel, alloy steel and stainless steel. Ourfacility currently manufactures castings from 0.05KG upto 150 KG. All DSC products incorporate precis iondesign, strict manufacturing standards and high qualitystandards for long-lasting dependability in demandingenvironments At DSC, We will work with your existing ooling or beginfrom a drawing or sample to accommodate the finishedcasting requirements. We are the experts who will workwith you to understand your needs, and we will respondwith products, solutions and services to help you get thejob done ríght the first time , From prompt deliveries tooutstanding customer service, we strive to be your partner through it al! |