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苏州欧菲尔智能科技有限公司参加第二十届上海国际铸造压铸、锻造展览会/第二十届上海国际热处理及工业炉展览会 展会时间:2024年12月18-20日 展会地点:上海新国际博览中心 欢迎各位行业人士来我司展台参观、洽谈。
苏州欧菲尔智能科技有限公司 Suzhou Iview Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.网站:www.diecasting-cn.com 苏州欧菲尔智能科技有限公司始建于一九九0年二月,通过三十多年的努力,已由从事铝合金压铸、锌合金压铸为主发展成为集压铸,机加工,CNC加工,喷涂为一体的综合性企业。目前以生产机器人零部件为主,机器人客户有那智,三菱,新时达,灵猴,宇树,丹麦Kassow等。2022年11月21日通过了IATF16949的质量体系的认证。 公司座落于江苏省苏州市吴江区。距沪渝高速出口仅3分钟车程,交通便利。占地面积约33300平方米,厂房总面积56000平方米。 公司拥有8台200吨—1000吨不同等位的压铸机,以及数控车床、多头数控车床、线切割机床、CNC 加工中心、电火花机床、数控铣床、普通铣床、普通铣床、喷丸机、振动抛光机、油压机、冲床等各类从事金加工的机床180多台。目前我公司又投产了两条全自动喷涂流水线以及丝印流水线。公司还拥有:CMM三坐标二台(蔡司,海克斯康),二次元(投影仪),光谱分析仪,盐雾试验机,X射线数字成像气孔探测仪等各类检测设备。 公司拥有自营进出口权,目前自营的客户来自:日本、丹麦、英国、德国、芬兰、瑞典、美国、加拿大、荷兰等。 Suzhou Iview Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd. was founded in February 1990. Through more than 30 years of efforts, We have developed from aluminum alloy die casting and zinc alloy die casting to a comprehensive enterprise integrated with die casting, machining, CNC machining and spraying. At present, We mainly produce robot parts. Robot customers include Nachi, Mitsubishi, STEP, Linkhou, Unitree, Kassow of Denmark, etc. On November 21, 2022, We passed the certification of the IATF16949 quality system. Our Company is located at Miaogang Avenue No.599, Qidu Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province. We covers an area of about 33300 square meters and the total plant area is 56000 square meters. Our Company has 8 die- casting machines with different tonnage from 200 to 1000, as well as more than 180 sets of machine tools engaged in mental processing, such as single-head numerical control lathes, multi-head numerical control lathes, line cutting machines, CNC machining center, EDM machines, CNC milling machines, ordinary milling machines, blasting machines, polishing machines, oil presses machines, punching machines and so on. We also have 2 full-automatic painting lines. For testing, we have 2 sets of CMM three-coordinate (Zeiss, Heykskon), Projector, Spectrometer, Salt spray testing machine, X-ray detector ,etc. Our company has the right to import and export on its own. Our customers come from Japan, Denmark, UK, Germany, Finland, Sweden, USA, Canada, Netherlands etc. |