浏览次数: 647
德国凯乐公司 网址:http://keller-its.cn凯乐(KELLER ITS)公司是德国一家具有百年历史的传统企业和通过ISO9001认证企业,其产品的高精度和可靠性得到业界的一致认可,为许多国际著名企业(如西门子公司)所使用。凯乐公司除了提供测温仪外,还生产测湿仪等其它测量仪器,并可根据用户要求为其提供设计方案。我们作为德国凯乐公司在中国的总代理,其非接触式红外测温系统是我公司重点开发的项目,其广泛应用于食品、造纸、纺织工业、油漆、混凝土、沥青搅拌、隧道窑、淬火及退火炉、发电厂、燃烧设备、金属冶金以及金属加工等民用和工业领域。我们确保我们提供的产品技术先进可靠,价格富有竞争力,具有出色的性价比。 KELLER is a traditional brand and a successful technology leader with more than 100 years' experience. In 1954, KELLER founded its sister company named KELLER Spezialtechnik, a company that had been producing pyrometers for non-contact temperature measurements since 1925. The busness in the systematic development and the worldwide sale of pyrometers. KELLER is a commercial, innovative and globally operating company. In addition to the continuous technological developments, the trusting partnership with our customers and their satisfaction are our top priority. |